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Home Timely

Despite all hurly burly and unfavorable situation I had to dealt, I should say that I'm thankful to be home timely this time around.  Indeed, Allah knows best. First, perhaps I'm as a health worker not as tough as my colleagues to tackle such disastrous second wave. Plus Allah knows I'm needed home soon. Qadarullah, my bro and his preggy wife (35 weeks) got COVID-19 in one full month (July-August). I could organize further preventive measure which I doubt can be fully managed alone by panic-stricken them. I was able to accompany them to the hospital alternately to get examination and medication with such extensive number of queue of COVID patients, and without a solid zoning system. I drove around Medan at late hour to get medication but unable to find antiviral regimen. Another time I scoured through all pharmacies in Medan to find Codein but they all ran out of it. I can't imagine if my parents had to deal with the situation alone, be in close contact and take care of...

Postingan Terbaru

My COVID story

Pemilu 2019 Curang?

Kondisi di Lapangan

Kerja / Ibadah

Thank u, next

Coass Team

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