Poto-poto Gaje
today, i decided to post some pictures which of the theme is unknown abstrusly

, coz they are just mixed by my desire to post them together, not based on the theme.
Firstly, i wanna show this picture :
I made it my self to complete handycraft assignment in my school. This is made by corn powder, wheat powder, kanji powder, PVC glue and food dyes. This is cute, isn't it? haha. Remember the sister of giant aka takeshi (i forget the name) in doraemon cartoon? I've just realized that this and her are alike when my friend said to me. I made it so similar to the figure unintentionally. haha. And now, this is displayed in my school physic laboratory window.
and this... this was candid captured by my brother when i was sleeping. yeah, i was sleeping wearing sunglasses. so weird. meanwhile people wear it in a daylight with the sun ray dazzling eyes, I wore it while sleeping. hahaha. at that time my eyes was so dazzled by lamp light (maybe my eyes got radiated severely by monitor I stare at everytime), but i just can not sleep in the dark. So I wore sunglasses and heard music to get me asleep easily. In fact, I almost never wear it outdoor because of crisis of confidence.
look at the cat's head. we will see two blck stripes weirdly. It was attempting to get something to eat,a small lizard that slip into my bicycle tire.
And for the next picture, I guess you had never seen it yet before. Recently, I think so many people throw out their cat near my house. And I found some cats. I captured two. We, I mean our family don't maintain any kind of pets included cat. My mother doesn't like it. I capture the weird ones which dropt in my house. this is the weirdest :
For the last, this is the mess of my desk after examination till today. I haven't cleared it up yet. hmmm...

and finnaly...

bweeeeeek :p

Firstly, i wanna show this picture :

And for the next picture, I guess you had never seen it yet before. Recently, I think so many people throw out their cat near my house. And I found some cats. I captured two. We, I mean our family don't maintain any kind of pets included cat. My mother doesn't like it. I capture the weird ones which dropt in my house. this is the weirdest :
For the last, this is the mess of my desk after examination till today. I haven't cleared it up yet. hmmm...

and finnaly...
