Holiday is finished, I’m in a big anxiety
Tomorrow, I have to wake up early again.
I have to take a bath as soon as possible after waking up, can not procrastinate it again like in the holiday.
I have to prepare everything to go to school.
And I hate Monday flag ceremony, it’s boring and gak pala berpengaruh apa-apa bagi siapa-siapa (in my opinion), but it doesn’t mean I don’t love my country, it doesn’t mean I don’t respect national warrior. I respect their struggle so much. I just don’t agree that flag ceremony is carried out as frequent as this, once a week.
Although this holiday is very boring, I always in the house, I didn’t go anywhere, but I love holiday,I often idle all day, I love waking up late. I confess that I’m a lazybones. It’s hard to believe that there’s no time to me anymore for idling and loafing. THERE’S NO TIME for such thing like that coz I’m in the last grade now to go to university.
Frankly I admit that I’m not ready for thisà It’s time to me to fight, to study hard, as hard as I can, gak ada lagi itu santai-santai, ini waktu dimana aku harus rajin bahas soal. Aaa~aah.
Oke forget about that:
Until now, I’m still confused and anxious about in which ‘bimbel’ I should study in that can bring me to a good favorite university next year. I’m confused to choose between two options. Which one should I choose ?