I'm still confused to choose what major for my next study to university. All of my friend in the same grade has already decided it. I even don't know what I want. I just wanna be succes but I don't know how. if being asked about ambission or desire, my desire is 'ngawur', I wanna be a host of culinary program who can go around the country and even go abroad to taste so many kinds of food free,
what a fantastic job! Haha. But I realize that only few lucky person that have the chance like Pak Bondan, Edrick, Benu, and Amel had.
Back to the main topic. based on their target, of course it encourages their spirit and struggle to reach it. But how about me?
Well, These are some major that have ever been thought by me and the motivation behind them :
Architecture, because I love drawing
Planology, supported by my desire to live in a comfortable and beautiful modern city
Civil engineering, because related to architecture
environmental engineering, because related to Planology
Accountancy and STAN, because wanna be rich
International Relationship, because wanna go abroad
Medicine (neurolog), to understand more about autism, to omit autism from my sister
Information or computer engineering, suggested by Oliv, she said that I’m in tune with it.
Design Interior (definitely just now thought), I wanna make beauty inside the house, build the comfortness
Industrial engineering, wanna develop industrial sector in this country
even agriculture, wanna involve agricultural aspect of this country with modern agriculture and followed by high quantity and quality product.

HAHAHAHAHA. Too many branches, right? Sekalian aja sebut semuanya ya kan -__________-‘.
Then How to choose? Most of people just choose one or two. For instance, my friend, oliv, has decided that she will choose accountancy, no other! (she even take IPS in bimbel), or Sisyl, she has decided to pick Law as her major, no other. Dona, Lora, Elly, Egi and Adit have chosen Medicine. Nisa and Muklis have been focus to win STAN.
Finnaly, I think and conclude, instead of always feeling troublesome because of unknowing what major I should choose, better for me to LET IT FLOW. I decided not to burden my mind by that problem, just let it flow like water flow. let see which major and university code that will be written by my hand on the answersheet. But not to forget to ask for guidance from God in my pray.
Back to the main topic. based on their target, of course it encourages their spirit and struggle to reach it. But how about me?
Well, These are some major that have ever been thought by me and the motivation behind them :
Architecture, because I love drawing
Planology, supported by my desire to live in a comfortable and beautiful modern city
Civil engineering, because related to architecture
environmental engineering, because related to Planology
Accountancy and STAN, because wanna be rich
International Relationship, because wanna go abroad
Medicine (neurolog), to understand more about autism, to omit autism from my sister
Information or computer engineering, suggested by Oliv, she said that I’m in tune with it.
Design Interior (definitely just now thought), I wanna make beauty inside the house, build the comfortness
Industrial engineering, wanna develop industrial sector in this country
even agriculture, wanna involve agricultural aspect of this country with modern agriculture and followed by high quantity and quality product.
HAHAHAHAHA. Too many branches, right? Sekalian aja sebut semuanya ya kan -__________-‘.
Then How to choose? Most of people just choose one or two. For instance, my friend, oliv, has decided that she will choose accountancy, no other! (she even take IPS in bimbel), or Sisyl, she has decided to pick Law as her major, no other. Dona, Lora, Elly, Egi and Adit have chosen Medicine. Nisa and Muklis have been focus to win STAN.
Finnaly, I think and conclude, instead of always feeling troublesome because of unknowing what major I should choose, better for me to LET IT FLOW. I decided not to burden my mind by that problem, just let it flow like water flow. let see which major and university code that will be written by my hand on the answersheet. But not to forget to ask for guidance from God in my pray.
tiap buka blogmu kok isinya masalah ini mulu ya?? wukakakkaka
sholat istikharah gih
biar jelas gitu
dan tanya hatimu sebetulnya apa yang paling qw senangi
ntar qw ikut ini itu qw g suka nyesel trus kuliahmu g maksimal lg
eh y skdr info teknik industri itu agak beda lo..
emm gmn ya blgnya.. tknik industri itu malah ke bagian manajemen industri bagaimana target produksinya, bahan bakunya.. kalo g slh macam itu.. kykny yg qw bayangin lain deh..
keknya iya yg ko bilang tantang teknik industri, keknya aku pernah dgr juga kek gitu sih.
tanya hatiku, bahh. hatiku gak tau.
solat istikharah, good idea.
Thanks sarannya ri