too late post actually.
I got 3 surprises, 3 birthday cakes in a day in campus. Firstly was from kak Desi, Kak Effi, Asrini, Winda, Bang Rubi, kak Rini, Humas. in our meeting, kak Desy acted and tried to joke around by suppressing me. She interrogate me about my responsibility to some duty in Publication and Documentation Section as the coordinator-in-charge, about the deadline, about the logo I had not made yet, and so on. But it didn't seem work well to push me down actually. hehe. then a cake came...
Another one was from Nanda, Ana, Fatmadina, Yazrah, Tiara, Rosa, Sarah and Dedek. Nanda asked me to accompany her to go to the toilet. Then when I was out of the canteen, the others are waiting with a beautiful tasty cake.
The last was from Trisna, Suci, Rima, who gave a blackforest cake before our rehearsal. then we ate together.
I thank them for preparing it to me :D But actually, I'm worried they are inconvenienced with it, or got busy for it. They are all so kind to me. nice. I'm happy to know them.
