Holiday is finished, I’m in a big anxiety

Besok Ane jadi anak kelas XII

Tomorrow, I have to wake up early again.
I have to take a bath as soon as possible after waking up, can not procrastinate it again like in the holiday.

I have to prepare everything to go to school.

And I hate Monday flag ceremony, it’s boring and gak pala berpengaruh apa-apa bagi siapa-siapa (in my opinion), but it doesn’t mean I don’t love my country, it doesn’t mean I don’t respect national warrior. I respect their struggle so much. I just don’t agree that flag ceremony is carried out as frequent as this, once a week.

Although this holiday is very boring, I always in the house, I didn’t go anywhere, but I love holiday,I often idle all day, I love waking up late. I confess that I’m a lazybones. It’s hard to believe that there’s no time to me anymore for idling and loafing. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comTHERE’S NO TIME for such thing like that coz I’m in the last grade now to go to university.

Frankly I admit that I’m not ready for thisà It’s time to me to fight, to study hard, as hard as I can, gak ada lagi itu santai-santai, ini waktu dimana aku harus rajin bahas Aaa~aah.

Oke forget about that:

Until now, I’m still and anxious about in which ‘bimbel’ I should study in that can bring me to a good favorite university next year. I’m confused to choose between two options. Which one should I choose ?


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