Changing blog address

Hey. I’ve already changed this blog address become Gabble means “talk indistinctly”, in bahasa we may say “mengoceh”. I put “k” to make it sound more Indonesian refers to the word “geblek”. Hehehe. Since my blog launch unimportant posts, obsecure story, uncertain stuff.

That’s all about what inside this blog address. I wanna show two books about travelling:

Huwaaa. I want it! Anyone wanna follow me, accompany me? Oke, Let’s make schedule. See your academic calendar! So we can order the ticket immediately so that we’ll get it cheaper. Next holiday we’re gonna have fun. Yuk :’) But first, I need to buy the books. I’m curious. Rp.2,5 million exploring Japan? Is it true? -_____-

Hmm, I’ve just got a quote:

“LOVE comes to those who still own the hope though they’ve ever once been neglected”

Rawr. I dunno, just wanna post it here. What a naïve quotation! -.-‘ I got it from Adit, this morning I woke up and found this message on my handphone screen. He sent it maybe because I’ve ever tweeted this:

“being left, disregarded, and forgotten is indeed pathetic”

After I tweeted it, he set aside time for pitying me, texted me saying “…anyway you feel left, disregarded? Indeed, It’s pathetic, gurl!” I don’t know why lately he responsed any tweets by texting not by Retweeting it on twitter. Wanna ask him but I don’t care lah ‘bout it!

By the way, I haven’t watched harry potter yet :’( shit. What a stale thing! People now chitchatting about transformer, kungfu panda 2, and fast and furious 5, whereas I haven’t watched Harry Potter. This is due to somebody, oops No no no, actually the only one deserved to be blamed is me:’(. Whoaa sad to think that. What a severe. I can’t let it happen. Yesterday, I went to Sun Plaza with my brother and my.. umm.. what can I say ya? Umm.. maybe my friend lah, yeah, we went to watch it but it pathetically doesn’t exist anymore there. Perhaps it has been too out of date. Now I’m planning to go to B5M immediately since they usually play the stale movie that has not been played anymore by other theatres.

My activity now is reading these 2 novels at the same time, and also reading The Secret beside (you must have known that book right? I don’t know why to tell a simple sentence that “the secret is Law of Attraction, what you think is what will gonna happen!” should be lengthened as thick as a book. I just begin reading it but seemingly don’t have enthusiasm to continue it-,-. I’ve known its content in general. huft) and reading Qur’an (and its translation. I confess that I’m rare enough reading it. Still 2 juz in this 20th holly month-,- bad. I’m embarrassed):

Novel in the left side is awesome.. in my opinion yet. whereas the right one.. So far I read it until page eighties from 500pages, I don’t really like it although my friend who is lending it to me really really really recommend it. Heheh.

Ohya, tentang buku kuliah, aku udah nanya sama senior, kak Dila, katanya “Kakak rasa kalo buku ntar aja dek. Karena nanti ada dari kampus juga. Nanti kakak bantui juga milih2 buku yang bagus yang enggak”. Haha. Asiiik. Dia juga pesen “jangan putus asa ntar belajarnya. Semangaaat” terus terang karena dibilang jangan putus asa justru aku takutnya jadi putus asa karena dari kata-katanya kayaknya banyak yg mengalami putus asa di tengah perkuliahan. Semoga enggak. Hahahaha.

Eh tadi GR Dies Natalis FK USU loh. Udah dapat beberapa teman baru. Ntah mereka bakal ingat sama aku ntah enggak -,-. Hmmmph. Sebenarnya aku tipikal yang males ngikutin kegiatan2 kecuali terpaksa kalo betul2 diwajibkan, di SMA aja aku gak ikut ekskul apa-apa. Pernah mau hipapala tapi gak lama ngundurin diri karna gak direstui. Pernah pengen OSIS tapi didiskualifikasi dengan sendirinya karna lebih milih pulkam daripada diklat calon anggota, baguslah klo ini aku juga gak sudi di ospek sesadis orang itu. walaupun aku udah berjanji dalam hati di kuliah mau lebih mencimpungkan diri ke dalam kegiatan-kegiatan, tadinya aku juga males ikut ini, tapi akhirnya ikut juga sekalian emang ada urusan.

Tapi tadi aku salah panggil, dokternya kupanggil “kak” -.- walopun kakak ups dokter itu selo2 aja, tapi kan aaa~. Setelah ada kakak seniornya yang manggil “dok” barulah awak tesadar. Kawan yang di barisan siiih, pas kutanya absennya sama siapa, dia bilang “cak Tanya sama kaka itu”. Ikutan deh. Awalnya aku juga gak yakin. Kakak? Hellooow. Yang mana yg kamu sebut qaqa? Yg itu? Yakin? Serius? Tapi yaudah biar cepat. Khikhikhi.

Tentang belajar kereta (baca: sepeda motor), aku ketinggalan satu langkah nih sama oliv, dia udah buat SIM. Aku masih takut2 di jalan raya, belum lepas sendirian. Bawa kereta itu menurutku susah. Tapi rasanya kayak terbang, pengen lebih kencang, tapi gak punya nyali. Beda dengan naek sepeda, rasanya mendayung-dayung (plak. yaiyalah, kan emang didayung)… dua tiga pulau terlampui (lho?).

Tentang belajar mobil, mamakku nyuruh doang, tindakannya gadak. Abis dibawa ke tempat kursus kenalannya, nanya harga cocok, liat jadwal cocok, gelagat bakal jadi nih, ehh kaga balek2 lagi. Haha. Aku juga males nanyak2 mamakku. Ntar disangka kemarok lagi. Justru aku belum siap mental nih kayaknya. Cuman aku takutnya ditengah sibuk-sibuknya kuliah nanti aku dipaksa-paksa kursus supaya ada yang gantian ngantar jemput adekku sekolah. Aku malaslah gitu. Kuliah maunya fokus! (Esseh).


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