
apa yang ada dipikiran ko waktu dengan Guyton, Ganong, Sobotta? Hell yeah. Mereka adalah para penulis buku kedokteran.

Aku terkejut setengah hidup pas buka grup facebooknya FK USU 2011. Calon mentemen ku udah pada beli buku kuliah. sekali lagi. Mereka udah pada beli buku kuliah. Bahkan yang lebih parah lagi, ada yang udah ngebaca. Salut aku. Pasalnya kuliah aja belum jelas kapan dimulai. Ospek tanggal 8 September. Daftar buku jg belum keluar. keren kan?

Menyimak perbincangan mereka membuat aku tersentil. Aku yang hanya diam di rumah duduk memikirkan hal-hal yang tidak penting. Mereka yang udah tau kalo beli terjemahan gimana, kalo gak gimana, mereka udah tau harus beli dimana, bagusnya gimana, download, fotocopy ato beli di tigan. wow.

another case. I'm speechless. Don't know what to do, what to say, what's on your mind, what do you wanna hear. and you guys don't know mine too, do you? hehehe, Of course we don't know that all. (-_- hey myself, what are you talking abut? what do you wanna say huh?)

anyway, I'm bored with this web address. I'm dying to change this blog site but I have no idea what should it be. www.whatshouldthisbe? huh?
o iya. I miss school, the class, the canteens, musholla, the field, the gate, even the spider-netted quiet library, some teachers and friends, except the smelly toilet and flag ceremony. hahaha. but I feel some friends are getting more distant now. I know sooner or later this will be happen. But I just dislike some of us can still have conflict or quarrel. I can't understand.
And I just wanna remind us include me. though your college is cooler then your friend's, it shouldn't be a reason for you to keep at arm's length (read: keep away from). and even if your friend's college is better than yours, that's not a reason for you also to get closer abruptly. friendship should've not as thin as that right? :)
yet I regretfully envy seeing the colleges of some friends. Oh for god's sake, they are just so cool. more beautiful than mine, larger also, bigger. Everytime I unintentionally read their conversation on fb, or when I saw the picture, that envy came. It doesn't mean I'm not happy, I just wanna be there. haha. Furthermore, when my senior 'almost be' at fasilkom UI added me as friend and messaged "you are fasilkom ui 2011 freshman, aren't you? feel free to join the group blablablabla", it cut me. hell no. And when I saw randomly sombody's picture standing on that biggest library in Indonesia with starbucks behind, hell no I still want it -_-
Next year, wait me NUS, NTU, NUA. I will be standing in front of the university that is cooler, perkier than those you are in. HmhmHUAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh (forgive me for my daydreaming ^^v


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