22. I strongly feel that I should make my own money. Unfortunately coass life doesn’t allow me to -_-
22. I want to achieve something meaningful in my life and for my afterlife.
22. I don’t feel like finishing my teenager period

Well, I can say I’m 17 with 5 year experience. Haha.

"yeaah, we're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time...
It's miserable and magical, oo yeaah.
tonight's the night when we forget about the deadline. It's time." Taylor Swift-22

*oops, deadline? sekarang awak lagi di stase psikiatri. Tugas2 yang harus diatur segera siap dalam waktu dekat adalah nyelesaian nulis-tangan (--nulis tangan loh ya!,catet!--) 10 set status psikiatri (@18 halaman) + makalah gangguan kepribadian + nelan textbook kaplan & saddock. Ini tangan sama jari-jari udah hampir keriting.


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